United States Sentencing Commission Tribal Issues Advisory Group

The United States Sentencing Commission (Commission) is soliciting applications for membership in a standing Tribal Issues Advisory Group (Advisory Group). The Commission has a adopted a charter for the Advisory Group and will be accepting applications until October 24, 2016. The solicitation was in the August 24, 2016 FEDERAL REGISTER which may be found here:

An ad hoc Tribal Issues Advisory Group issued a report in June 2016 concerning sentencing disparities for Indian criminal defendants. The standing Advisory Group will continue work on sentencing and related matters.

The Advisory Group will have up to nine members, and the positions for which the Commission is soliciting applications are: one federal judge, one tribal court judge, and up to four at-large members. Other members will be two federal agency and one public defender/community defender organization representatives.

Please let us know if we may provide additional information regarding the Tribal Issues Advisory Group.